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- Manifesting Your New Life: Steps to Creating a Main Character
Manifesting Your New Life: Steps to Creating a Main Character
Discover the power of visualization and practical steps for creating the life you truly want.
The truth is, there are a lot more NPCs (non-playable characters) on this earth than we think.
If you're not living the life that you want, you're living the life that someone else wants.
It's easy to get settled into the 9-5 and get stuck there, but is that something that you really want?
For most people, the answer is no.
The way I define NPC is someone who wakes up, goes to work at a job they don't even enjoy, comes home, sleeps, repeats, and waits until retirement to enjoy life.
There are people who are happier than all get-out with that life - and that's okay.
Yet, most people that I know are unwillingly sucked into that lifestyle and don't know how to get out of it.
It can seem overwhelming to be stuck in that loop, but I promise there is a way out.
Every person deserves to live the life that they dream of.
But it is going to take some rebuilding.
Unconscious programming
I recently fasted and had some people tell me that it was really bad and dangerous for me.
They said it was horrible for your metabolism and just unhealthy - which is not close to the truth.
But, I don't blame them. In America, we're told to get three healthy meals a day and that you shouldn't be skipping any of them - doing so could be bad.
After being told that for 20+ years, it's easy to take it as the truth.
Whether you know it or not, everything has an agenda behind it
Religion, school, marketing, you name it. Nothing is innocent.
This doesn't mean that the agenda is bad, but you should wonder if those particular messages have your best interests in mind.
Everything I write is conditioning you to think a different way - or at least attempt to.
Long story short, you shouldn’t take anything from anyone as 100% truth.
If you've been conditioned into the "American Dream" or any other school of thought, you might have some reprogramming to do.
Start questioning things.
Break them into pieces.
Make a collage of bits that you actually believe.
If you want out of the NPC lifestyle, this collage will be your lifeline.
Action > Inaction
The path of inaction will lead you to the life of an NPC, no questions asked.
If you're someone who doesn't take action on their passions, dreams, or ideas, this is the time to either stop reading or to flip your script.
If you're still reading, here is the one thing that I want you to get from this newsletter, if nothing else:
Take action daily.
Momentum is a powerful thing. Stacking small wins every day will add up a lot quicker than you would think.
Even if it's one task or 10 minutes, progress is progress.
So now that we've established that this will take some effort, let's dive into how to build the life that you want.
Breaking out
These are the same three steps that I used to break the cycle when I was feeling the most stuck in my life.
1) Figure out what you want
Change can't occur if you don't know what you want to change or what you want instead of what you have now.
You don't even need to know exactly what you want.
But most people can tell me what their ideal day would look like.
That's where we start.
Every important piece of your day you could possibly think of, write it down.
Not only that, but imagine and experience how those things feel.
"I wake up with the warmth of the sun buzzing on my cheek."
As detailed as you can get.
Your brain can't actually tell the difference between a made up experience and a real one if you are feeling sensations.
Consciously believe that you are having that experience, and your brain will trust you.
If you're having a hard time writing this story, spend 5 minutes brainstorming. Write down everything (no matter how silly) that you do not want in your life.
This usually creates a clearer image for you to go back and create your ideal day.
I created a Notion template that can be used to figure out this whole step.
You can find it here.
2) Create a mental image
We're going to use that dream life that you whipped up in this step, so keep it handy.
This step is pretty simple, but you'll have to fight yourself some days.
For 5–10 minutes every morning and/or night, play that day out in your head.
This does 2 things:
- Forces your brain to find a path
- Experience how that day feels
If you remember from our chat about dopamine, your brain gets pretty good at finding a way to what we desire.
It's subconsciously learning, even when you have no idea.
If we give our brains the solution to the puzzle with no further information, it will start to work out how we're getting there.
And the beautiful thing about this is that a lot of it will be subconscious.
It's like when you're in the shower and you randomly get the answer to something that's stumped you for awhile.
You may notice that certain activities don't feel pleasurable anymore. I urge you to sit with them and figure out why.
It may be your brain telling you that that is no longer serving you on this journey.
Experiencing how that day feels does a similar thing.
When you feel the emotions and sensations of an experience, it's no longer a thought - it's real.
This is exactly how PTSD works. All the stimuli get stored in memory.
That's why things that have nothing to do with the original experience can trigger an attack.
Similar stimuli recall those memories, and the body puts itself into defense mode to prevent more trauma.
But if we use this consciously, we can make it work in our favor.
Imprint those good thoughts and emotions into your body - make them real.
3) Act as if you were living that life now
Like I mentioned, your brain cannot tell the difference between a made up situation and a real one.
If you are already living that life (in your head), you'll realize that your actions might shift.
Let them.
Change will not happen in your life if it doesn't happen within you.
And more importantly, you won't be living your dream life if you continue to act the way that you are now.
Embrace this change and act as if you are already living the life that you want.
Reinforce your brain. It's trying to get you to the goal you gave it - don't fight against it.
I hear a lot of people say that taking the first step is cringe, embarrassing, or even scary.
They're probably right, but it's not worth skipping out on your dream life.
Success is on the other side of cringe, embarrassment, and fear.
But if you're not willing to run through them, you'll be stuck living someone else's life.
I say your dreams are worth it, but that's not for me to decide.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this newsletter. It means more to me than you could know.
Like always, if you think that someone could benefit from this, please consider sharing.
I hope to see you living your dream life soon :)
Until next time, with love,